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Introducing NPS Surveys, Enhanced Crash Reports, and More

If you're an Instabug user, you've probably noticed some big changes to our in-app surveys, bug reporting, and crash reporting products recently. We've been working nonstop to deliver you a steady stream of improvements and exciting new features, from NPS surveys and more. Let's dive in.


Major Surveys Updates


The biggest updates we've been working on recently include several new features related to our surveys product. User feedback lies at the core of what we do at Instabug and we're constantly working on ways to help our customers build better apps by better understanding their end users. Our new survey features do just that.

By collecting more (and more focused) feedback from your users, you'll be able to make well-informed, data-driven decisions about your app. For example, you can identify the features of your app that are loved most or used least. You can identify users who are most likely to give you a five-star review in the app stores, or those who are most likely to churn. You can discover your app's most common pain points, fix them, and boost user happiness. And it all starts with surveys.


Introducing NPS Surveys


We've introduced a new survey type to help you better understand your users and their happiness with your app: NPS Surveys. NPS refers to "Net Promoter Score", which is a numerical indication of user loyalty and a common metric applied in many industries. You can use NPS data several ways, from your marketing strategy to your customer satisfaction process to your app's product development.

With this new feature, you can easily create a two-step NPS survey and send it to all or a targeted subset of your users.



In the NPS Survey, users are first asked "How likely are you to recommend [app name] to a friend or colleague?" You can customize the exact wording of this question to suit your needs. To respond, users select a numerical answer from 0 (least likely) to 10 (most likely).

They are then asked a second follow-up question with a text answer field to provide you with more context. The default follow-up question is set at "How can we improve?" but you can customize this to ask any question you would like. For example, "What is the one thing that we should focus on the most?" Or "What is the most important reason for your score?"


NPS surveys


For every campaign, you'll be able to see how many and which users responded, each of their NPS scores, as well as their text answers to your follow-up question.

We also show you the overall score of the campaign with a breakdown of Promoters (those who answered 9-10), Passives (those who answered 7-8), and Detractors (those who answered 0-6).


Introducing Manual Targeting with Opt-In Surveys


At Instabug, we prioritize customizability to give app developers the most control over the SDK. With opt-in surveys, you now have the option to manually define exactly when they are shown to your users and to whom.

With custom conditions, you could choose to send a survey to users of a specific app version or to users with specific attributes that you define (such as age or interests).

With our newly released manual targeting, you have complete control over when and where and to whom your survey is shown (such as to users who pass a certain game level). Check our documentation for more details about the relevant API methods for iOS, Android, React, Xamarin, and Cordova.


app surveys


To use the opt-in survey, create a new survey and select to set the target audience "Manually", as shown above. When you publish the survey, a token is generated that you can use in your code to specify which survey should be displayed at a certain point in time to certain users.


Introducing Star Ratings


Simple and effective, this new answer type gets straight to the point. Find out how your users rate your app (or a specific feature of your app) from one to five stars.

Use this to get feedback from your users with the least friction possible. This works best when you're not really concerned with details, but you want as much participation as you can get.

Maybe you want to know if your users are happy with your customer support. Or if they like a new feature that you just released. Or if they are happy with your app in general. Take it one step further and identify those users who replied with five stars, then ask them to rate your app in the app stores. Or have your customer success team contact those users who replied with one star to see how you can prevent them from churning.



No words, no numbers, just a familiar but powerful symbol. ⭐


Introducing Multiple Question Surveys


With custom surveys, you can now ask your users multiple questions and mix and match answer types to suit your needs. Use this when you want comprehensive and detailed feedback from your users.



You can add as many questions as you like, drag and drop them to define the order that you want them to be shown, and specify the answer type for each question: text field, multiple choice, or star rating.


Introducing Survey Analytics


For each survey you publish, you'll see every user who responded, the date and time they replied, and their answers to your survey questions. You can also see a visual representation of their answers when you click on "View Statistics" in the Instabug dashboard, as shown below.


app surveys


We show you the distribution of responses for multiple-choice answers and star ratings, as well as the most common keywords used in the text answers.


Filter Survey Responses


Hopefully, you receive a high volume of replies to your surveys. To help you sort through the answers, we've added a filtering bar to the surveys responses page.


With this new addition, you can filter survey responses by timeframe, keyword, specific user, or NPS score.


Bug Reporting Enhancements


At Instabug, we're constantly striving to improve our best-in-class bug reporting product even further and move it forward, so we've made these new tweaks below.


Highlighting Network Failures


network logs


To help you easily identify network failures, we've added an error message in the Bug Details page to notify you of any failed network requests with a link to View Network Logs.


Choose Screenshot Annotations


bug reporting


When an app user reports a bug with a screenshot, they can annotate the screenshot by drawing on it. Through a matching algorithm, Instabug detects the shape of their drawing.

Now, with this new screenshot annotation enhancement, users have the choice to select the shape suggested by Instabug or use the shape that they originally drew.


More Detailed Crash Reports


We've got a lot of updates up our sleeves when it comes to our crash reporting product, and you'll see many new improvements being rolled out in the coming months, starting with these below.


Identify Missing dSYM Files


crash reporting


Instabug needs your project's dSYM in order to be able to symbolicate crash reports from your app. If you are seeing an error message saying "This crash is not symbolicated" on your Instabug dashboard, that means Instabug doesn't have your project's dSYM and won't be able to symbolicate crashes.

Instead of having to skim through crash reports to find missing dSYMs, we show you the UUIDs of the dSYMs needed to symbolicate all of the reported crashes from the past week. Next to each UUID, you'll find the corresponding app version, library name if it doesn't belong to your app, and the number of affected crashes.


See How Crashes Are Distributed


crash reporting


The more you understand about when crashes occur, the better you can diagnose and fix the problem. This new section shows you the distribution of any given crash across OS versions, app versions, and devices.

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