When Milliseconds Matter, Make It Count

There’s an app for that. Now? There’s twenty. Make your app stand out from the pack with real-time proactive and reactive data that illuminates the user experience

Instabug Mobile Grid Pattern
Instabug Glow Effect
of users will uninstall an app if they experience a crash in the first day
increase in number of apps available in App Stores
threshold for your app to respond before a user experiences frustration

Eliminate In-App Frustration
and Delight Your Customers

Measure What Matters

Understand the  performance indicators that are important for mobile like app launch time, UI hangs, and crash types – metrics that other APM vendors don’t cover – to hone in on mobile root causes

Intelligent Crash Grouping Logic

Improve your app stability with efficiency and avoid common under or over-grouping errors of traditional APM vendors with best in class default grouping for mobile-specific errors

Screen Loading and Key Metrics

Track screen loading time for your app’s most critical experiences, giving you a sense of where your app is sluggish and frustrating to users. Customize, unique-to-your-app screens and metrics that you deem important

Bug Reporting, In-App Surveys and Feature Requests

Connect developers directly with your users by gathering robust feedback about your app, whether bug reports, in-app surveys, or feature requests

Performance Feedback That Gives Time Back to Developers

Instabug is the ONLY platform that provides both a proactive (by measuring stability and performance)
and reactive (by collecting qualitative user feedback) view of app quality

Leverage intelligent crash grouping with a view of overall crashes page and CFSuser terminations to quickly and proactively identify root causes. Learn More

Understand app launch & screen loading time issues to mitigate against poor performance that might drive users away. Learn More

Get detailed bug reports and surveys directly from your users, helping you deliver what they want, when they want it. Learn More.

Recognized Excellence in Mobile Performance

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Instabug + Figma: Mobile Performance Meets Mobile Design

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Brain Technologies uses Instabug to streamline development of AI-powered mobile apps

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Saturn leverages Instabug to streamline bug reporting and reduce QA process time

Seeing is Believing, Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

In less than a minute, integrate the Instabug SDK for iOS, Android, React Native, Xamarin, Cordova, Flutter, and Unity mobile apps