Benchmark Report

Mobile App Stability
Outlook 2025

Get a holistic view of the current state of mobile app stability and understand the relationship between stability and app store ratings

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Mobile apps have solidified their central and growing role in our daily lives and the mobile app industry shows no sign of slowing down, growing in size, complexity, and competition. As user expectations continue to rise, mobile teams must adopt a holistic approach to ensure their apps not only avoid crashes but also provide a smooth, frustration-free experience.

Our partnership with the top mobile teams across the globe gives us deep insight into the stability and performance of some of the world’s best apps and we’re excited to share the key stability benchmarks and insights in the 2025 edition of Instabug’s Mobile App Stability Outlook. This report analyzes the stability data of the apps using Instabug’s platform in 2024 to monitor the state of mobile app stability and update the benchmarks for mobile excellence.

Key Takeaways

  • Mobile app stability and app store ratings remain directly related with users showing an increasingly low tolerance for stability issues. Flawless app stability continues to be a critical imperative for app store success.
  • The median crash-free sessions rate increased slightly to 99.95%, cementing it as the benchmark for stability and underscoring the need to look past 99.9%.
  • High-performing mobile teams continue to maintain ‘five 9s’ stability, further confirming its viability as a stability target.
  • A crash-free app is just the beginning; mobile users express their discontent with frequent non-fatal stability issues in their app store ratings and reviews. A holistic approach to stability and performance continues to play a vital role in mobile app success.

Success is Built on Stability

Once again, we look past average crash-free rates to a wider range of mobile-specific metrics, capturing an accurate picture of mobile app stability and user experience. The correlation between stability and app store ratings, and the relatively high stability across all apps we observed in last year’s report is confirmed in this edition.

Low mobile app stability scores have once again proven to be a reliable indicator for low app store ratings, highlighting the urgent need for mobile teams to deliver flawless stability to achieve app store success.

Read on to discover the latest benchmarks across Crash-Free Sessions, Out-Of-Memory errors (OOM), Application Not Responding errors (ANR), App Hangs, and Forced Restarts.

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Learn about the stability benchmarks across different industries, app ratings and more!

The New Normal for Stability Standards

Definition: The percentage of mobile app sessions that did not end with a fatal error.

Mobile apps maintained the relatively high stability rates recorded last year with only minor fluctuation across all percentiles. This year’s median crash-free session rate comes at 99.95%, confirming the high level of stability across all apps.

The top-performing mobile teams at the 75th percentile maintained the near-flawless score of 99.99% crash-free sessions, solidifying ‘five 9s’ as a target for highly successful mobile apps. Finally, apps lagging behind at the 25th percentile showed a marginal improvement, scoring 99.77%.

Confirming past results, the data establishes a 99.95% crash-free session rate as the acceptable stability target to remain competitive on the app store, with anything lower inviting the displeasure of users.

P25: Higher than 25% of peers

P50: Higher than 50% of peers

P75: Higher than 75% of peers

Crash-Free Session Rate

iOS regains the lead

Android apps fail to maintain their leading position in stability, with this year seeing iOS score a median crash-free session rate of 99.91% versus Android’s 99.80%. This reversal is visible across the board with iOS scoring 99.98% versus Android’s 99.95% at the 75th percentile and 99.66% versus 99.32% at the 25th percentile.

Despite the change of fortunes, Android maintained a respectable level of app stability overall. Albeit a significant challenge, Android’s fragmentation is far from being an insurmountable obstacle to mobile app success, with near-flawless already proven to be achievable. Android teams must continue raising their stability targets and prioritize them to achieve good results.

Platform Breakdown

*Higher is better

A marked difference between industries

With a larger sample, this year’s report is able to include the breakdown of a wider range of industries with the addition of the Lifestyle/Sports, Social/Dating, Telecom, Travel/Airlines, and Staffing/Recruitment industries.

The Health/Fitness industry takes the lead in 2024 scoring a median of 99.98% crash-free sessions, followed closely by Social/Dating and Telecom at 99.97%. Trailing far behind the rest, Lifestyle/Sports scored a median crash-free rate of 99.67%, with the closest score for Media/Entertainment at 99.90%. This could be a reflection of the varied scenarios and environments these apps face due to the nature of their industry. The remaining industries registered a respectable median crash-free score between 99.92% and 99.96%.

The top-performing mobile teams across all industries outperformed last year’s results to set the pace, with only four industries scoring below an almost flawless 99.99% or above and only one scoring below 99.97% at the 75th percentile.

Industry Breakdown

*Higher is better

Five-nines stability for five-star ratings 

As the primary standard against which mobile apps are judged by their users, app store ratings play a crucial in mobile success. Mobile teams that manage to achieve a high app store rating distinguish themselves from the competition, boosting their acquisition and retention rates and paving their way to success.

The data once again shows a clear correlation between crash-free rates and star rating, with apps under 3 stars scoring a significantly lower median of 99.82%, marginally lower than last year. At the 25th percentile, the lowest-performing apps make this correlation clearer, with apps rated between 3 and 4.5 stars scoring around 99.7% and ones above 4.5 stars scoring 99.84% at the 25th percentile.

This reinforces previous findings suggesting a ’critical stability threshold’ of around 99.7% crash-free sessions to reach a 3-star rating, and around 99.85% to exceed 4.5 stars.

App Rating Breakdown

*Higher is better
App Store Rating

Beyond Crashes: A Holistic View of Stability

Crashes are just one aspect of mobile app stability; other stability metrics like ANR errors, OOM errors, and app hangs must be taken into account to accurately represent the user experience. In the presence of frequent and varied stability issues, the absence of crashes means little for most app users.

A poor user experience is a poor user experience, regardless of your crash-free session rate. Mobile teams must widen the scope of their definition of mobile app stability to gain a holistic view of their app’s user experience and avoid turning it into a vanity metric.

Application Not Responding errors (ANR)

Definition: Instances where an app is unresponsive to user input for more than five seconds, prompting the operating system to notify the app user.

Highly disruptive to the user experience, ANR errors are a severe stability issue for Android apps. Although showing a relatively marked increase over last year’s data, the incidence rate of ANR errors remains quite low at a median of 2.62 ANR errors per 10K sessions.

Surprisingly, the 0-3 stars bracket is the only bracket to show an improvement over last year with a median of 2.83 ANRs per 10K sessions, an improvement of around 36%. The remaining brackets registered medians between 2.02 and 2.92.

The increase in ANR incidence rate is also true for the low-performers at the 75th percentile, with the 0-3 stars bracket the only one to show improvement over last year. This indicates that mobile app users have a higher tolerance than previously suggested, with the current data pointing to a significantly higher threshold of around 10 ANR errors per 10K sessions.

ANRs per 10K Sessions

*Lower is better
App Store Rating

Out Of Memory errors (OOM)

Definition: App terminations by the operating system due to excessive memory usage.

Like ANR errors, OOM errors have a severe impact on the user experience. However, unlike ANRs, the median number of OOM errors across all apps registered a modest increase to 1.12 OOM errors for every 10K sessions, maintaining a very low incidence rate.

Contrary to last year’s data, breaking this down by app rating reveals a largely homogenous OOM incidence rate at medians between 0.94 and 1.34. This holds true across the 25th and 75th percentile showing no correlation between OOM scores and app store ratings.

Judging by the increased tolerance we observed for ANR errors, the critical threshold for OOM errors is similarly higher at around 10 OOM errors per 10K sessions above which app store ratings are impacted.

OOMs per 10K Sessions

*Lower is better
App Store Rating

App hangs

Definition: Instances where an app is unresponsive to user input for more than two seconds, but less than five seconds.

Farther down the impact scale, app hangs are considerably frustrating for mobile users and frequently evolve into more severe stability issues.

This year’s data shows little change in the median number of app hangs per 10 thousand sessions, ranging from a low of 64 per 10K sessions for apps between 3-4 stars to 103 per 10K sessions for apps above 4.5+.

Although apps rated below three stars scored the highest incidence rate at 236 app hangs per 10K sessions at the 75th percentile, they show a notable improvement of 30% over last year to approach the 200 threshold. The remaining app rating brackets did not register significant changes, staying around the 200 app hangs per 10K sessions to seemingly confirm the previously suggested threshold.

App Hangs per 10K Sessions

*Lower is better
App Store Rating

Forced restarts

Definition: Instances where an app is manually forced to terminate, then restarted within 5 seconds.

Representing the ‘turn it off and on again’ reflex, forced restarts can be a useful indicator for frustrating user experiences.

The median number of forced restarts across all apps holds at 134 per 10K sessions, exactly the same as last year’s score. The breakdown by app store rating shows less variation between brackets than last year and does not reveal any clear trends or correlations. The same is true at the 75th percentile, with all brackets hovering around the 250 forced restarts per 10K sessions mark.

Forced Restarts per 10K Sessions

*Lower is better
App Store Rating

Meeting Mobile User Expectations

Mobile app stability continues to evolve in pursuit of growing user expectations. Near-flawless crash-free rates are now a reality for many of the top mobile teams, enabling them to tackle other stability and performance issues that impact their users. With a holistic view of app stability and performance, the top-performing mobile teams are closing the gap between their app’s experience and user expectations.

Instabug remains committed to providing mobile teams with the right tools to deliver exceptional mobile app experiences. Our AI-enabled mobile observability platform uses advanced, fine-tuned AI models to automate and streamline app quality management, leaving you to focus on innovation. With best-in-class Bug Reporting, comprehensive Crash Reporting, detailed App Performance Monitoring, actionable App Ratings and Reviews monitoring, in-depth Session Replay, and mobile-centric Release Management, Instabug enables you to transform your app quality and supercharge your team’s performance.

Explore our sandbox demo dashboard to learn more about how Instabug can help you automate issue reproduction, receive actionable, user-centric insights, streamline your mobile release process, and improve your team’s efficiency.

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