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Top Flutter Blogs, Newsletters, and Communities

Mobile app newsletters

Heard of Flutter? Of course! Google's cross-platform app framework might be growing incredibly fast but unfortunately, it still does not enjoy the wealth of resources that some of the older, more established platforms have. However, the Flutter community's quick growth also means there are more great blogs, newsletters, and communities coming out every day.

In this post, we have compiled some of the top Flutter blogs, newsletters, and communities that you can follow to stay up to date with everything new in Flutter and improve your Flutter development skills.

Flutter blogs

Flutter blogs

  • Flutter Awesome
    While not exactly a blog, we can't talk about Flutter resources without talking about Flutter Awesome. It is a great place to discover and share Flutter libraries and tools created by the community.
  • flutter-dev blog
    The official Flutter blog on Medium is a good place to learn more about Flutter development and keep track of the latest announcements.
  • Flutter Community
    Flutter Community is a volunteer effort that aims to grow and support the Flutter community worldwide. Their blog on Medium contains many great articles and tutorials shared by volunteer writers from the Flutter community.
  • Code With Andrea
    This blog by Flutter Google Developer's Expert (GDE) Andrea Bizzotto offers many tutorials, videos, and tips on Flutter development. Andrea also offers paid courses that are more advanced and comprehensive.
  • Reso Coder
    This blog by Flutter developer Matej Rešetár offers a diverse collection of Flutter and Dart tutorials.

Flutter newsletters

Flutter newsletters

  • Flutter Developer Weekly
    This is a weekly newsletter that shares a lot of interesting Flutter resources, including tutorials, tips, and jobs.
  • Flutter Tap
    Another weekly newsletter, Flutter Tap curates a list of articles, tutorials, and packages to help you stay on the cutting edge of Flutter development.
  • Flutter Digest
    Flutter Digest is a monthly newsletter that aims to bring you a summary of Flutter news, stats, and packages, as well as articles from the community.
  • FlutterForce
    FlutterForce is a weekly newsletter that contains Flutter resources curated by Flutter developer Ümit Duran.

Flutter communities

  • flutter-dev Google Group
    The official Google Group created for Flutter development is a good place to have technical discussions with other developers in the community.
  • flutter-dev Gitter chat room
    The official Gitter chat room for Flutter is another good place to have technical discussions about Flutter development as well as discover resources shared by the community.
  • flutter-dev Discord channel
    If you prefer Discord to connect with the Flutter community this is the official channel.
  • flutter-dev subreddit
    This is the official Flutter community on Reddit where you can share resources and have discussions with the community about Flutter development.
  • Slack community
    Codemagic's Flutter-focused Slack community is a good place to discover tutorials, articles, and news about Flutter.
  • Flutter Buddies
    Futter Buddies is a Discord community where Flutter developers can network, host or attend meetups, and collaborate on open-source projects.

Flutter courses

These top Flutter resources in 2021 will help you to up your game and stay on top of everything new in the Flutter world. Flutter on by, keep learning, and give your programming skills wings.

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