Instabug Demo & New Feature Highlights: Alerts for Crash Reporting

December 6th, 2022 | 9 am PT

Learn how to become proactive in solving your mobile app challenges.

December Demo Graphic
Instabug Glow Effect

About this Video

Follow along as Instabug engineering product experts take you through a live demo of Instabug and highlight Instabug’s latest features in crash reporting. Learn how to quickly diagnose a problem in your app through comprehensive bug reports, crash reports, and performance metrics. Get insights into the latest features from crash reporting that help you identify and solve issues faster.

You’ll Learn How to:

  • Monitor key performance metrics with app launch, screen loading, and network performance
  • Enable notifications whenever the occurrences and the affected users exceed a certain threshold for any crash type
  • Detect regress crashes
  • Identify what percentage of customers experienced a crash on your latest release


Sherif Zulghina


Sherif Zulghina

Senior Sales Engineer